

Select Unit Incentives

From time to time, we offer incentives on select units for future residents. Be sure to ask the One Dekalb leasing team if there are any incentives being offered at this time.

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No Pet Fees - Standard, yet Special

While other communities say they love pets, and may waive pet fees from time to time, Lighthouse's philosophy is that furry family members are just that, family. Lighthouse charges no additional pet fees, pet rent, or pet deposits. Although it's our standard, we feel it's still pretty special.


Realtor Rewards

Lighthouse Living enjoys a wonderful relationship with our local Broker and Real Estate Salespersons network of professionals. Please ask a member of our team about our cumulative Broker rewards program. One Dekalb is a wonderful flexible option for your relocation clients, or those in transition.


Elite Employer Perks

Westchester is home to the headquarters of several of the country’s top companies. We have tailored an elevated perks program exclusively for team members of these organizations, and their families.

Currently our Elite Employers for this Community include:

Melissa & Doug

Bridgewater Capital

To nominate your employer be added to our Elite Employer Program, please contact a member of our team.

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Current Resident Referral Bonus

We love when our residents love living in our communities, and they want to shout it from the rooftops. If any current resident of any Lighthouse Living community refers any friend, family, or co-worker, we have developed a program that enables our residents to earn unlimited bonuses. You will receive a $250 credit for every referral to say thank you. Please contact a member of the management team prior to them touring the community. The more, the merrier.

Ready to check it out for yourself? Tours by appointment.

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The Westporter is a Lighthouse Living Community

Check out the Lighthouse Living Collection of Communities on our website